[CSAW CTF 2021] forgery
[CSAW CTF 2021] forgery
The server asks for one of three strings but must be signed correctly using the Digital Signiture Algorithm (DSA) with prime \(p\). Only the lower 1024 bits of input matter so we can fake a message by using number theory and hide the message in higher order bits.
crypto/bits; 127 solves, 405 points
Felicity and Cisco would like to hire you as an intern for a new security company that they are forming. They have given you a black box signature verification system to test out and see if you can forge a signature. Forge it and you will get a passphrase to be hired!
nc crypto.chal.csaw.io 5006
Solving the challenge
We first notice that the code verifies our triple (answer, \(r\), \(s\)), before checking if certain strings appear as a substring as our answer.
elif verify(answer, r, s, y):
if b'Felicity' in answer_bytes:
print("I see you are a fan of Arrow!")
elif b'Cisco' in answer_bytes:
print("I see you are a fan of Flash!")
print("Brown noser!")
Furthermore a mask of the lower 1024 bits is defined and only that is verified against \(r\) and \(s\).
MASK = 2**1024 - 1
def verify(answer: str, r: int, s: int, y: int):
m = int(answer, 16) & MASK
if any([x <= 0 or x >= p-1 for x in [m,r,s]]): #hrm s = 0 or -1 is ez
return False
return pow(g, m, p) == (pow(y, r, p) * pow(r, s, p)) % p
So we can choose any message \(m\) of up 1024 bits, hide our substring in the upper bits, and come up with an \(r\) and \(s\) that satisfies:
\[g^m \equiv y^r r^s \pmod p\]Furthermore, none of our choices of \(m, r, s\) can be equal to \(0\) or \(p-1\), which would easily and trivially satisfy the equation. However we can choose the next best thing, \(m = r = s = \frac{p-1}{2}\). By basic number theory, any number to the power of \(\frac{p-1}{2}\) is either \(1\) or \(-1\) mod \(p\), and these numbers are distributed essentially randomly (not really but for our purposes they are).
So with a \(50\%\) chance this choice will work!
Solve script:
from pwn import *
def read_until(s, delim=b':'):
delim = bytes(delim, "ascii")
buf = b''
while not buf.endswith(delim):
buf += s.recv(1)
return buf
sock = connect("crypto.chal.csaw.io",5006)
read_until(sock, ':')
read_until(sock, ' ')
p = int(read_until(sock, ' ').strip())
g = int(read_until(sock, ' ').strip())
y = int(read_until(sock, '\n').strip())
phi = p-1
fake = (p-1)//2
msg = b'both'+ l2b(fake)
answer = b2l(msg)
r = fake
s = fake
print(bytes(msg.hex(), 'ascii'))
sock.sendline(bytes(msg.hex(), 'ascii'))
while True:
print(read_until(sock, '\n'))